The caucus is comprised of volunteers who serve as delegates from throughout our broad, diverse community in order to best represent the district in vetting and endorsing Board candidates. The caucus includes parents of District 113 students as well as community members who do not have children in the District. The number of caucus members typically ranges from 40 to 60 delegates. These volunteers meet and work together in the fall, leading up to the spring election, with the goal of endorsing and supporting the Board candidates believed to be best qualified to serve District 113.
The caucus generally seeks delegates who are:
- Aware of the wide range of stakeholders in District 113
- Open-minded
- Not single focused
- Able to attend caucus meetings
- Willing to compromise
- Committed to the process
- Able to consider “the big picture”
- Civil toward others
- Respectful of confidentiality
If you are interested in serving as a Caucus delegate, please complete the short application here: 2024 Caucus Member Application
Please note that to be eligible to serve as a member of the caucus, you must live within the boundaries of District 113 and be age 18 by April 1, 2025. Persons employed by District 113, or individuals currently on the D113 Board, running for or related to someone running for office are ineligible to serve as caucus members.