The caucus is comprised of volunteers throughout the community who serve as delegates from each of District 112’s schools. The caucus includes parents of District 112 students as well as community members who do not have children in the District. The volunteers meet and work together in the fall leading up to an election.
The caucus generally seeks delegates who are:
- Aware of the wide range of stakeholders in District 112
- Open-minded
- Are willing and able to attend caucus meetings
- Willing to compromise
- Committed to the process
- Able to consider “the big picture”
- Civil towards others
- Respectful of confidentiality
Click to read through the qualities of an effective delegate and stated requirements to determine whether you are a good fit for service.
PTAs/PTOs generally recruit Caucus delegates.
If you are in serving as a Caucus delegate, please contact your PTO/PTA or contact us directly.
Persons running for office or related to someone running for office are ineligible to serve as delegates.